Specialists in Lacquering Aluminium Coils

insulax® PET

bobina-insulax-pet-introinsulax® PET is the designation of ALUCOAT for the lacquered foil intended to be used for the production of insulation structures for building (roofs, chimneys, among others). insulax® PET  our product to be used in the production of insulation for roof ridges and edges that is composed for a laminated aluminium-PET that provides a very good flexibility and that for a similar properties has a lower thickness of aluminium than insulax® RF. Moreover provides an excellent barrier for humidity, gas and U.V. light.


  • Laquers have been specially designed by our technical department and provide an excellent resistance to weathering and UV light.
  • It can be laminated to other materials (foams, plastics, among others) in order to form very high performance insulation and barrier products.
  • Easy to shape, which do it the best election to special applications.
  • There is the possibility to incoporate the pre-treatment coating Alucoat® prelac that improves the corrosion resistance and the adherence of the lacquer over the aluminium surface.




ALUCOAT supplies its product insulax® PET  in reels of wide until 1.600 mm, with core of steel or carton up to 500 mm and maximum weight of 6 tonnes.

insulax® PET is specially suitable for:

  • Insulation for roof against water.
  • Insulation for ventilation ducts.

Technical Data

Covering  properties: 

 Top layer Coloured lacquer,  polyester, superpolyester
 Aluminium 8011/1200/8079 O
 Bottom layer Colouress PET film joint with special adhesive
 Standard colours Wide range of colours RAL
 Adherence  ASTM D-3359 No delamination
 Bending  ECCA 7 (0 ≤ T BEND ≤ 1) O.K.
 Curing Resistance to MEK > 50 d.f.
 Heat Resistance  240ºC/2 min. O.K.
Corrosion  Resistance (Neutral Salt Spray)  ASTM B117 (NaCl 5%/35ºC) >500 h (According to specification > 1000 h)
 U.V. Resistance  ASTM G154 (500 h.;UV-313 4h. 60ºC / Condensación 4h. 40ºC)  O.K.

Recommended alloys:

EN AW 8011A, EN AW 8079, EN AW 1200, EN AW 1050 (according to European Standards (EN 573-3)).

Customer can specify its needs in order to choose the best thickness, alloy and temper of the metal.

Product Data Sheet: pdf