Experten in der Lackierung von Aluminiumbändern




We are food
We are beverages
We are pharmacy
We are building
We are refrigeration
We are isolation
We are innovation
We are advanced technology
We are quality
We are customer service
We are sustainability
We are commitment
We are passion

We design tailor-made solutions for our clients. We are ALUCOAT.

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ALUCOAT, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminum between 20 and 500 microns develop actions in its daily activity to collaborate with Sustainable Development Goals.

The activity of our plant, like any other industrial activity, generates waste. From the aluminum lacquering process, all the residues that are generates are properly treated, thus preventing the proliferation of unmanaged waste and residues, and thus avoiding the contamination of the water resources of our ecosystem by leaks and/or possible spills (SDG 6).

Moreover, aware of caring for the planet and optimization of resources, an Energy Management System ISO 50.001, has been implemented in the plant, whose objective is to reduce the consumption of the energy supply, as well as the increase in renewable energies and the reduction of CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere (SDG 12).

All these actions form part of our Good Environmental and Energy Practices where we show not only the procedures that must be complied with by law, but also a list of improvements that guarantee compliance and good work of ALUCOAT.

ALUCOAT, committed with the environment and natural resources. Fighting for the future of the planet and the well-being of future generations (SDG 13).

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linfoil®, preserves your food and takes care of you

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminium coils, offers, within its wide range of products, linfoil®, a material that is used for the manufacture of lids in the food sector and that complies with European regulations, as well as FDA for direct contact with food.

With linfoil®, ALUCOAT guarantees the best conservation of the lids thanks to the quality and durability of the lacquered aluminium. This, together with its excellent sealing properties, compared to plastic, has very good printability so that the designs are fully customisable according to each customer’s specifications.

In addition, thanks to its high resistance to light, heat or cold and humidity, it prevents food from coming into contact with external agents that could modify its properties or taste. This makes linfoil® the most versatile, customisable and sustainable solution because the aluminium is a 100% recyclable material.

With different thermosealing options, linfoil® is the ideal solution for the manufacture of lids for dairy products, like milk, pâté or jam packaging, among others. Within the range of solutions that ALUCOAT offers, you can find:

It also has some special products for those foods that, due to their composition, require special properties, being resistant to the usual sterilization processes in the food industry such as:

ALUCOAT, always committed to innovation (SDG 9), quality and good service.

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AIRFIN®, the best choice for heat exchangers

Air conditioning equipment requires components that resist its continuous exposure to the environment, changes in temperatures cold/heat and in some situations corrosive environments that can reduce its useful life.
For this reason, ALUCOAT has developed the range AIRFIN®, for the production of fins for heat exchangers, which improves the benefits of air conditioning equipment thanks to the different coating we have, specially designed to meet the different requirements of this sector. Our AIRFIN® range, has the following products:

AIRFIN® 500: among our solutions, it is the one with best performance. Double layer product with incomparable results in terms of resistance to corrosion and U.V. rays
AIRFIN®400: It provides a response to those customers who require that the product be extremely resistant to both corrosion and UV rays.
AIRFIN® 300: for those customers that requires a wide resistance to U.V. rays.
AIRFIN® 100: With high corrosion resistance, it is the most demanded versions among all the available solutions that ALUCOAT offers.

ALUCOAT, with different qualities and benefits, we satisfy the needs of a market with diverse applications. Its products contribute to affordable and clean energy (SDG7).

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Coated aluminium, our reason of being

Aluminium, the third most common element in the earth’s crust, has wide variety of properties: it is light, resistant to corrosion, good energy and heat conductor, odourless, impermeable, good reflector and 100% recyclable. These properties can be improved thanks to a special extra coating that improves its performance as well as its appearance.

At ALUCOAT we are experts in coating aluminium and adding excellent properties to this metal, which is part of our daily lives.
At ALUCOAT we are dedicated to lacquering aluminium liquid in thickness between 20 and 500 microns with a wide variety of coating specially designed for each application and final use.

With our R&D department focused on the innovation and development of new products, our lacquers provide aluminium with properties adapted to the end use to be given such as: resistant to corrosion, to U.V. rays, to sterilization to hydrophilic behaviour, heat sealing to various supports or even antibacterial properties.

Complying with extensive regulations applicable to each sector: FDA (protecting public health and guaranteeing the food safety and drugs), RoHs (guarantees the restriction of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic appliances), Reach (manages the risks that some substances or products may pose to health and the environment), EU 10/2011 (regulation on materials intended to come into contact with food), among others, satisfying the expectations and requirements of a wide variety of sectors, manufacturing and marketing customized solutions to each customer.

ALUCOAT, committed to our activity and our customers, health and well-being (SDG3)

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ALUCOAT, BSAFE-zertifiziert

Am 29. Juni wurde ALUCOAT vom Verband der Familienunternehmen von Madrid (ADEFAM) mit dem Zertifikat “Sicheres und sauberes Unternehmen”, ausgezeichnet. Dieses Zertifikat ermöglicht seinen Mitarbeitern sowohl im Werk als auch in den Büros mit absoluter Sicherheit zu arbeiten.

KPMG überprüft und bescheinigt Unternehmen, die sich um ein BSAFE-Siegel bewerben, dass die angewandten Verfahren und Aktivitäten wie Hygiene-, Sauberkeits- und soziale Distanzierungsmaßnahmen der COVID-19-Managementpolitik des Verbandes der Familienunternehmen von Kastilien y León entsprechen und diese eingehalten werden.

ALUCOAT hat in Übereinstimmung mit der COVID-19-Managementpolitik alle nur möglichen Maßnahmen ergriffen: präventive, diagnostische und reaktive – um das Risiko einer COVID-19-Infektion bei seinen Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Zulieferern so weit wie möglich zu minimieren.

Mit extremen Hygienemaßnahmen, der Einhaltung des sozialen Mindestabstandes an allen Arbeitsplätzen, Schildern in allen Büroräumen und im gesamten Betrieb, die auf das Sicherheitsprotokoll und auf die neuen Maßnahmen zur Durchführung der Arbeiten mit den festgelegten Sicherheitsstandards hinweisen, sowie hydroalkoholisches Gel, Masken und alle notwendigen Materialien und Anweisungen, die zur Minderung des Inzidenzrisikos erforderlich sind, haben zum Erhalt dieses Zertifikats beigetragen.

ALUCOAT ist stets der Gesundheit und dem Wohlbefinden seiner Angestellten (ZNE 3) verpflichtet und dankt seinen Mitarbeitern für ihre Bemühungen und ihr Engagement und ihren Einsatz in dieser neuen Normalität, um der Gesellschaft weiterhin den besten Dienst zu erweisen.

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Alucoat® clopp y Alucoat® clopp+, safety closures for pharma and cosmetics

Within the wide range of products offered by ALUCOAT, Alucoat® clopp is found, this product is intended for the production of pilfer proof closures for bottles in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. This kind of closure guarantee the hermetic content avoiding the contact with external agents that can interfere in its composition.

Alucoat® clopp has been developed with special resins that withstand the demanding sterilization process of pharmacy and cosmetics industry, that guarantees the highest quality and hygiene.

Alucoat® clopp +, with composition BPA-NI, comply the most exigent norms, even with French regulation 2012-1442, regulations governing the control of bisphenol A (BPA) that is in contact with foods or medicines, achieving an excellent resistance to sterilization and corrosion, and an outstanding flexibility and drawability.

In both versions, both Alucoat® clopp and Alucoat® clopp + offer their clients the tranquillity and confidence necessary in as rigorous as the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics markets.

ALUCOAT, investing in innovation and industry (SDG 9), always at the forefront of product development.

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Alucoat® Prelac, safety and comittment for food industry

ALUCOAT, specialist in the production of lacquered aluminum coils, has in its range of products the exclusive preteatment Alucoat® Prelac, that provides excellent properties for food industry.

Alucoat® Prelac, is a state-of-the-art system for chemically degreasing and pretreating aluminum. 100% Chrome free and specialized in aluminum strips, improves corrosion resistance and the adherence of all types of coating. It is suitable for food contact under the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and EU regulations, thus making it an effective solution for the food sector where security, tranquility and customer confidence prevail.

Products like Alucoat® CS and Airlid®, are packaging solutions with properties of heat resistant, resistant to sterilization and pasteurization, easy demoulding and resistance to food with acidic PH. Thus, they can improved their properties with the use of this exclusive pretreatment and are part of products of high security and commitment to the food industry. All providing confidence to our customers and end consumers under the strict FDA regulations.

ALUCOAT, your safety our priority. Committed to responsible production and consumption (SDG 12)

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Insulax IP+, sandwich panels with guaranteed safety and hygiene.

In these difficult moments we live in, there is nothing more important than guaranteeing hygiene conditions in those places in which preventing the proliferation of bacteria is very important for health and well-being of citizens.

There are sectors such as the pharmaceutical, health or food where hygiene is essential to guarantee that the products or services that are consumed are not harmful to health.

These sectors count with Insulax IP+, lacquered aluminium for the production of sandwich panels with a special antibacterial coating, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria with a 99% of efficiency according to JIS Z2801-2010/ISO 22196.

It can also be found in interior thermal insulation of roofs, false ceiling for buildings, industrial plants, livestock facilities and in the production of ventilation ducts.

With the option to supply smooth or embossed finish, our Insulax IP+, is suitable for PIR/PUR foam and becomes the ideal solution for those customers interested in offering a quality product with antibacterial properties.

Thanks to Insulax IP+, our customers can produce insulation that guarantees their safety with light, resistant and safe sandwich panels.

ALUCOAT, providing safe and quality solutions.

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ALIBERICO Aluminium ist jeden Tag bei Ihnen, In diesen schwierigen Zeiten möchten wir Ihnen näher sein als je zuvor. Wir arbeiten jeden Tag, um Ihnen zu kümmern.

Wir passen uns neuen Umständen an und wir schützen unsere Mitarbeiter so weit wie möglich, Wir verfolgen unsere Aktivitäten und liefern alle unsere Kunden. Wir erfinden uns neu und entwickeln Produkte, um neuen Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.

ALIBERICO Aluminium ist jeden Tag bei Ihnen. Es befindet sich in Ihren Küchenbehältern, in Apothekenblasen, in Ihrem Gebäude oder sogar in Ihrem nächsten Supermarkt. Die Wirtschaft ankurbeln und die Arbeitsplätze verteidigen

Daher hört ALIBERICO nicht auf, #DasmussNICHTAUFHÖREN, weil #daswirdPASSIEREN

Ermutigung, Kräftigkeit, Fortfahren, Pass auf dich auf, Vorwärts.


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