ALUCOAT, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminum between 20 and 500 microns develop actions in its daily activity to collaborate with Sustainable Development Goals.
The activity of our plant, like any other industrial activity, generates waste. From the aluminum lacquering process, all the residues that are generates are properly treated, thus preventing the proliferation of unmanaged waste and residues, and thus avoiding the contamination of the water resources of our ecosystem by leaks and/or possible spills (SDG 6).
Moreover, aware of caring for the planet and optimization of resources, an Energy Management System ISO 50.001, has been implemented in the plant, whose objective is to reduce the consumption of the energy supply, as well as the increase in renewable energies and the reduction of CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere (SDG 12).
All these actions form part of our Good Environmental and Energy Practices where we show not only the procedures that must be complied with by law, but also a list of improvements that guarantee compliance and good work of ALUCOAT.
ALUCOAT, committed with the environment and natural resources. Fighting for the future of the planet and the well-being of future generations (SDG 13).