ALUCOAT is very pleased to obtain the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Certification for Performance Standard (V3 2022) as a commitment to improve sustainability throughout the aluminium value chain, all our stakeholders, and with SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals.
ASI is the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standard initiative for the aluminium value chain, setting 59 criteria under the three pillars of sustainability: Environment, Social and Governance.
ALUCOAT is in the process of implementing improvements focused on the sustainability priorities proposed by ASI in their strategy (2030-2050) such as:
- Climate change, where aluminium accounts for around 2% of CO2 eq global emissions. It is required an aluminium sector aligned with 1.5°C and therefore a low carbon aluminium. ALUCOAT, as part of its commitment to SDG 13 Climate Action, calculates the Carbon Footprint (Scope 1 and 2) and increases the percentage of recycled aluminium in its products. It also has solar panels installed and ISO 50001 certification, contributing to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
- Circularity, where aluminium is 100% recyclable and experiences no loss of properties or quality during the recycling process. To achieve this, ALUCOAT focuses on aluminium utilization measures, reducing raw material consumption. ALUCOAT also implements sustainable water management and carries out segregation and separation by aluminIum alloys. All of these efforts are highlighted by the recent attainment of the Zero Waste Certificate. These actions align with SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, and SDG 12 Responsible Production and Consumption.
- Positive nature, improving the resilience of our planet and our societies in aspects of ecosystems, habitats, species and biodiversity. Where measures such as sustainable water management and the commitment to increasing the use of recycled aluminium, as opposed to extracting primary aluminium, are related to SDG 14 Life Below Water and SDG 15 Life on Land.
- Human rights, as a broad and cross-cutting issue throughout the supply chain. ALUCOAT promotes respect for human rights in new industrial projects and significant organizational changes, community development, workers’ rights, and occupational health and safety management with its ISO 45001 certification. This aligns with SDG 5 Gender Equality, SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities.